Lanny Applegate

I was a Volunteer Fireman for 31 years for the City of Lander and as the City’s Fire Administrator from 1987-2006. I served 2 terms on Fremont County School District #1 Board of Trustees, 2 terms as Fremont County Commissioner, Governor Freudenthal and Governor Mead appointment as Wyoming State Director of Fire Prevention and Electrical Safety for 10 years. I have been a a lobbyist for Wyoming State Fire Chiefs during WY Legislature for over 35 years. I have been involved with the WY Fire Service 48 years as of this year. 

I was inducted into the Wyoming Firefighter Hall of Fame in 2022. 

I have been extremely fortunate and Blessed to have had many many mentors in my lifetime to accomplish what I have. 

I look forward to serving on this Board and to help in any way I can. Thank you in advance and please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you need help.